Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Ultimate Secret to Weight Loss - Foods You Can Eat All You Want!

Happy New Year!!!!
Can you believe it is 2012? It amazes me how fast time flies. It is during this time of year that most people begin to reflect on their goals and resolutions, as I talked about in last week’s blog.  It is a time that reminds people that for every day that passes that they do not take care of themselves, they increase their risk of being diagnosed with health problems such as Type II Diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, fatty liver disease and cancer. The frustrating thing is 4 out of 5 of these diseases can be prevented.  The time is now to take charge of your health! Any little changes that you make in your weight, diet and exercise routine can help improve your overall health. Over the past 2 months, we have talked about the importance of breakfast and reviewed healthy meal ideas to start your day. Now we are going to look into the recommended meal pattern for the rest of your day.
One of the hardest parts to weight loss is the feeling of hunger. Most people do not feel physically or emotionally comfortable when their stomach is growling or uneasy. As a result, they give in and over consume calories. You have to remind yourself that the calories you currently consume fuels your current size. As a result, fewer calories consumed should fuel a smaller you. This means that we have to help you to get through those times of discomfort.
I am going to give you a list of foods that you can eat all you want, all day long, non-stop and not worry about calories. This list is the secret to weight loss and weight maintenance. The only catch is that they cannot be fried and you have to limit or avoid adding fat to them. Examples of added fat are butter, margarine, all oils, cheese and salad dressing. They can be eaten raw or cooked. They can come from fresh, frozen or canned sources. If you purchase them in a can, try to wash them off before cooking them to limit the amount of sodium they might contain.  Consuming large amounts of the following foods will help to lower your blood pressure, bad cholesterol levels and decrease your risk of most cancers. They can be consumed with meals and in between meals to help limit hunger pangs.  
Are you ready for the list? Here it is…
Artichoke Hearts
Green beans
Bean Sprouts
Green onions or scallions
Brussel Sprouts
Bamboo Sprouts
Tomato/Veggie Juice
Pea Pods
Water Chestnuts
Peppers (all)
Salad greens
Tomatoes (all)
Greens (all)
Summer Squash
Bok Choy

The only people, who should eat some of the above foods with caution, or consistency, are people who take anticoagulant medications to aid in blood thinning, such as Coumadin or Warfarin.  If you take any of these medications, I recommend that you talk to a Registered Dietitian so that they can explain to you the recommended dietary modifications when taking anticoagulants.  The general recommendations are to be consistent with your Vitamin K consumption on a regular basis. This means you can eat foods that contain vitamin K, you just have to be consistent on the amount that you consume on a daily basis. Too much, or inconsistent amounts of Vitamin K can limit the effect of the drug. Females who take Coumadin or Warfarin should restrict their average Vitamin K consumption to 90 mcg, while male adults should not consume more than 120 mcg, if they want to avoid unnecessary consequences. Vitamin K is usually found in green leafy vegetables like the above, which is why I bring this to your attention. If you do not take Coumadin or Warfarin, then you have nothing to worry about.
Bon Appétit!  Use these foods at meals, and snacks to help fill you up. You can mix them into your dish or eat them by themselves. You can literally go to the store and get one of the steamable bags of these specific vegetables that contain no sauce, eat all you want and still lose weight.
Good luck with your New Year’s resolutions! Don’t forget to follow me on Facebook and Twitter!
Until next week…
XOXO! The Dietnista

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